BADCAT GAMES Limited (BCG) and MALDITO GAMES are excited to announce a new partnership to bring BadCatGames’ epic tabletop story game DreamEscape to Spanish speaking international audiences.
After the huge success of BadCat Games’ Cthulhu inspired horror boardgame DreamEscape on Gamefound in 2023, that has currently raised over $350,000, Maldito Games will now be responsible for localisation of the game into Spanish.
Justin Morgan-Davies, CEO of BadCat Games, said, “Cthulhu, the creation of H. P. Lovecraft, has become a cultural phenomenon over the past decade and more and holds a very strong presence in the tabletop boardgame, roleplaying game and video game sector. Our narrative card driven adventure game provides a thrilling deep dive into the nightmare worlds of Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones with an immersive choice-driven style of gameplay that keeps gamers coming back again and again. We plan for Dreamescape and the Dreamquest series to challenge, scare and fascinate international gamers for many years to come. We are delighted to be sharing this vision with the excellent team at Maldito Games.”
Maldito Games will be the international localisation partner for the Spanish retail edition and expansions going forward.
For all enquiries regarding distribution and sales of Dreamescape products in Spanish please contact Maldito Games. For all other enquiries please contact BadCatGames.
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BadCat Games Studio (or simply BCG for short) is a game design and publishing house primarily for ‘physical’ or tabletop card games, boardgames, tile-laying and puzzle games that are geared towards simplicity of play, wide audience appeal, strong thematic content and replayability. We aim for our games to have that instant appeal to young and old alike. Our motto is ‘if kids can get it, then adults should to!’ We try hard to create accessible games that are thematically interesting, highly replayable and with mechanics that are quick to grasp.
It’s a complex story concerning poison dart frogs and a youngster’s early forays into the deadly dungeons below BlueFrog Tavern – which we won’t go into here. Suffice to say that after hunting for a name that wasn’t an App studio or Gaming cafe, the studio cat made the decision for us.
The BCG team comprises of experienced game designers, artists, sculptors, digital content designers and marketing specialists that together have over 100 years of experience. We also have bi-lingual translators on-site and intend to directly publish our games with multiple language rule sets.
We are Gamers. We love gaming and we’ve watched the development of gaming as a culture and a market sector ever since Donkey Kong was in the playground, Space Invaders could only be played on glass screens in pubs and RPGs required only pencils, paper, some dice and excited imaginations (+ perhaps peace and quiet from confused parents and teachers at break times).
Our Lead Designer JD is a self-admitted gameaholic who cannot help to tweak rules to games, rethink how theme could be adapted or suggest endless house rules. Just don’t ask him a straight Yes or No question! JD also teaches game design and theory to secondary school children on occasion.
Our Lead in-house modeller is a professionally qualified sculptor who can work with anything from putty to concrete (we probably won’t ask him to sculpt 28mm miniatures with the latter though), and is superb at creating quirky characterisations and thinking way out of the box (not sure what box he currently resides in to be honest).
With the rapid recent rise of gaming storming into popular culture and game theory being accepted as a beneficial method of information exchange and learning, there has never been a better time to surf on the tide of interest in gaming and publish games that get people communicating, interacting and learning.
We firmly believe that playing games can be beneficial to both mind and body and everyone should make time to play games. Game on!
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